Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Daniel Altman provided me a readable, coherent explanation of the George W. Bush moves on economic policy. I've seen a lot of loosely constructed explanations, but nothing which established a basis for what seemed like an incoherent mess of tax cuts and massive spending. Where Democrats were labeled "tax and spend", Republicans seemed to favor "don't tax and spend". At least now I have some clue behind what these obviously intelligent people were trying to accomplish.

Mr. Altman clearly has reservations about the neoconomy, which may put off Libertarians and Republican True Believers, but his views should not be dismissed without supporting evidence. He has documented his sources well, especially when he used readily available (via internet) publications of government.

I recommend the book and would like to hear comments from my many readers (yes, both of you), should you chance upon it.

Bibliographic information

Title Neoconomy
Author(s) Daniel Altman
Publisher Public Affairs
Publication Date August 1, 2004
Subject Politics / Current Events
Format Hardcover
Pages 290
Dimensions 5.84 x 8.48 x 1.10 in
ISBN 1586482297


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