Quick trip
Another little camping trip came my way. With granddaughter in tow, Joan and I headed out to the Rosehip Campground located at mile 27 of Chena Hot Springs Road. For the geobloggers, we stayed at site 5, N64 52,559', W146 45.941', altitude 774 feet. It's a pretty site, right next to the river, which we could hear but not see from the tent. The Chena is pretty full from all the rain and thunder storms we have had. We managed to duck the storms until the second day, when one came through Chena Hot Springs Resort while we were in the hot tub there.
These storms that have been charging through are really something. It doesn't just rain. We get the lashing and slashing rain more like what I experienced in Kansas, many years ago. I haven't been counting, but it certainly seems like there have been more storms this year than I've seen before. I've heard reports that Anchorage has had more than ever as well. Although Kansas could produce some whoppers, including those with destructive tails, these are competitive. I've even heard reports of funnels over Fairbank, although none touched down.