Monday, July 10, 2006


There are advantages to aging in Alaska.

I received my property tax bill for next year while I was on vacation. It seems I owe $22 or so, but I can pay in two installments if I choose. The state and the borough both offer waivers for a portion of the property tax for people 65 and over. I missed it last year by nine days. One must be suitably aged on January 1 to qualify. This year, there was no question. I am definitely older than a year ago.

Alaska has several nice little perks like this. I think the idea is that people of all ages are needed to generate diversity of experience and viewpoint. Since there is a tendency for some to abandon their northern homes and escape to the (expletives deleted) climes of southern Arizona when the winters become hard, the governments offer incentives to keep us here. I don't mind that at all.


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